Ohio is not just the swing state of America, it is a reliable indicator of the nation’s political attitudes.  This makes campaigning in Ohio as hard as any where, and more likely to produce the most profound of political parables.

Our film includes episodes in Ohio’s recent political history that provide portraits of where our campaign process is failing us.  From the outlandish corruption that breeds from campaign quid pro quo, to the compelling characters that could make a difference as public servants were it not for the staggeringly expensive obstacles.

The film opens with a classic tale of Ohio corruption that reached comic heights never before known.  This scandal, known as Coingate, involved money laundered into the Bush campaign through rare coins and beanie babies, got half of the Governor’s staff indicted, and ended a state’s one party rule.  The costs of campaigning were at the direct root of this epic scandal.

Our film also follows political newcomers in Ohio who set out to make a difference, only to face the brutal reality of an uneven playing field.  From how parties pick their candidates to the demands of full-time fundraising, some of the most promising leaders lose out.

Coingate & Campaign Calamities

Ohio is also known for its colorful political controversies and lively debates.  As this chapter reveals, the candidate with the most money can still blow the election through careless controversy.

Ohio Democratic Party Dust-Up