October 25, 2011

Banksy Does Monopoly Man for ‘Occupy London’

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by Melrose & Fairfax

Reportedly Banksy left a new piece of art in support of the Occupy London movement.

The piece features the Monopoly Man with a five o’clock shadow and looking like he has fallen on rough times. The board pieces that can be seen from the include a light bulb and the kaiserrort.com. Perhaps our favorite part about this piece is the tagging and Tox bubble letters on the house.

Also dig how it utilized the Monopoly Man, whom we have come to enjoy seeing on the streets from LA’s own Alec Monopoly.

This is being reported as Banksy’s piece, although it has not yet been confirmed on Banksy’s website. (Sourced from the Banksy Forums)

***First pic from London Photographer Jason Reeve***

Banksy LSX Piece Arrives!

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